Board diversity policy

Scottish Friendly understands and values the benefits that diversity brings and will actively promote this across all departments within the firm.


Diversity policy

A diverse Board, Executive and team will make good use of differences in skills, experience, background, race, gender and other characteristics. These skills and backgrounds collectively represented across the firm, should reflect the diverse nature of the environment in which Scottish Friendly and its stakeholders operate and improve its effectiveness through diversity of approach and thought.  This should support different perspectives being brought to discussions and reduce the risk of group think by providing effective challenge across the full range of Scottish Friendly’s business.

Diversity applies to the advertisement of all recruitment, internal and external, and subsequent appointment for all roles throughout the firm. This is reflective in other areas including promotion, training and development, terms and conditions of work, performance management, pay, termination of employment, colleague references and to every other aspect of the employment lifecycle.

Composition of the Board and Executive

The Nomination Committee of the Board annually reviews the composition of the Board and Executive and considers the balance of competencies to ensure alignment to Scottish Friendly’s strategic priorities; the environment in which it operates; the characteristics, perspectives, independence and diversity of Board and Executive members; how the Board works together; and other factors relevant to its effectiveness.

New appointments to the Board and Executive are made based on objective selection criteria, highlighting the specific skills and experience needed to ensure a rounded Board and a rounded Executive and the diversity benefits each candidate can bring to the overall Board composition.  It is the intention of Scottish Friendly to have a diverse Board and a diverse Executive, and for our selection and on-going performance management processes to facilitate this.