UK complaints data

January to June 2024

In the UK, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) requires financial services firms to report on the number of UK FCA reportable customer complaints they receive on a half yearly basis. This includes capturing expressions of dissatisfaction and aiming to resolve complaints within eight weeks. If complaints remain unresolved after eight weeks or if a customer is dissatisfied with our final response, they have the option to refer their complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). The FOS also publishes a half yearly report on financial services complaints they receive.

Number of complaints opened by volume of business

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Product / service groupingProvision per '000 (at reporting period end date)Number of complaints openedNumber of complaints closedPercentage closed within 3 daysPercentage closed after 3 days but within 8 weeksPercentage upheldMain cause of complaints opened
Banking and credit cardsN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
Home finance0110%100%0%Advising selling and arranging
Insurance and pure protection0.3139041014%85%53%General admin/ customer service
Decumulation and pensions4.1940640711%82%77%General admin/ customer service
Investments2.9757057517%82%77%General admin/ customer service
Credit relatedN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
Totals0.891367139314%83%70%General admin/ customer service

To put the above figures into context, as of 30th June 2024 we had recorded:

  • 1 Home Finance account complaints against a total of 0 policies. For every 1,000 accounts we received 0 complaints.

  • 390 Insurance and Pure Protection complaints against a total of 1,239,576 policies. For every 1,000 accounts we received 0.31 complaints.

  • 406 Decumulation, Life and Pensions complaints against a total of 96,976 policies. For every 1,000 accounts we received 4.19 complaints.

  • 570 Investment complaints against a total of 191,800 policies. For every 1,000 accounts we received 2.97 complaints.

More about who we are and how we operate

Scottish Friendly is a mutual run for the benefit of its members. We're dedicated to the efficient provision of financial products and services.

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