Risk graded funds

We offer a range of funds so you can choose the ones that suit your needs best.

Further information on what our Higher, Medium and Lower funds invest in can be found below.

Remember though, no matter which fund or funds you select, the value of your investments can go down as well as up and your original investment is not guaranteed meaning you could get back less than you pay in.

isa selection

What does the Higher fund invest in?

The Higher fund may invest in UK and global stock markets, cash and government and company bonds. The funds current mix as at 21/03/2024 is:

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US equities68.6%
UK equities30.0%
European equities0.0%
Government bonds0.0%
Company bonds0.0%
Japan equities0.0%
Pacific equities1.4%

What does the Medium fund invest in?

The Medium fund may invest in UK and global stock markets, cash and government and company bonds. The funds current mix as at 21/03/2024 is:

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US equities47.5%
UK equities22.3%
Government bonds18.4%
European equities0.0%
Pacific equities3.3%
Company bonds5.8%
Japan equities2.7%

What does the Lower fund invest in?

The Lower fund may invest in UK and global stock markets, cash and government and company bonds. The funds current mix as at 21/03/2024 is:

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Government bonds28.3%
US equities27.4%
Company bonds28.2%
Pacific equities1.9%
European equities0.0%
UK equities13%
Japan equities1.2%