ISAs and investments for family members

Want to use your ISA allowance to invest for a child you care about's future? Our Investment ISAs put your money to work using the long-term growth potential of the stock market. 

Tax treatment depends on individual circumstances, and tax rules could change in the future.

Investment ISAs from Scottish Friendly

If you want to invest in a brighter tomorrow for a grandchild, niece or nephew, there are a few reasons why an Investment ISA from Scottish Friendly might be right for you.

  • Start investing from £20 a month or more.

  • You can split your ISA into pots. Especially handy if you've got more than one child to invest for.

  • Take control. Unlike contributing to a Junior ISA, you make the call when to pass on the gift to the child.

Keep in mind that stock market investments can go down and up, so you could get back less than you've paid in.

pots growth

Two ways to get started

You can invest from £20 a month so long as you are over 18, a UK resident and haven’t used all your current annual ISA allowance which is £20,000. Our ISAs offer tax-efficient investing and put the growth potential of the stock market hard at work.

My Choice (ISA)

  • Explore some flexibility with various fund options and payment choices

  • Invest from just £20 a month

  • Pay in from £100 lump sum

A lower start investment option with flexibility over your payments.

Our friendly guides to ISAs and Junior ISAs can walk you through all these options

New to ISAs or simply looking to refresh your knowledge? Our guide could help break down some of the essentials of ISAs, which could help you make informed decisions for your financial future.

Planning for a child's financial future? Our detailed guide to Junior ISAs could help walk you through some of the basics, benefits and how to get started on this long-term savings & investment journey.

Stuck on the differences between an Investment ISA and a Cash ISA? We look at both sides of the coin to help you decide.