Stocks & Shares ISAs

You could boost your investment potential with our Stocks & Shares ISAs (also known as Investment ISAs). Let us take care of your future together.

Gift terms apply. Capital at risk.

Choose your ISA

Invest monthly from £20 per month or with a lump payment from £100. You can save and invest up to a total of £20,000 per year tax free in a stocks and shares ISA.

My Easy Choice (ISA)

  • Ready made ISA with a guarantee

  • Carefully managed single fund

  • Share of company profits

  • Invest with certainty

An easy option to get started with an investment in our Unitised With-Profits fund. Get some peace of mind with a guarantee to get back at least as much as you’ve invested on your 10-year anniversary, provided no switches or withdrawals are made.

My Choice (ISA)

  • 10 fund choices from low to high risk

  • Full control to suit your investment style

  • Growth potential of stock market

  • Includes ethical fund choice

Choose from 10 funds with different levels of risk and reward to create your very own investment strategy. Choices include ethical, low, medium, and high-risk funds as well as a fund that includes a share of any company profits.

Keep in mind that stock market investments can go down as well as up, so you could get back less than you've paid in. Tax-free means the investment grows free from tax, with the exception of any tax we’ve already paid on your behalf (for example on dividends from UK shares). Tax treatment depends on individual circumstances and tax rules could change in the future.