ISA end of tax year offers terms and conditions

Get up to £355 in gift vouchers to spend at a wide range of your favourite places. You can choose to invest an initial lump sum, set up a regular monthly payment or do both.

For example:

Scenario 1: If you chose to invest a lump sum of £4,000 which remained invested for 6 months, you’d be eligible to receive a £100 voucher.

Scenario 2: If you choose to set up a regular monthly payment of £35, after your first payment is received in your account, you’d be eligible to receive a £50 voucher.

Scenario 3: If you choose to invest a lump sum of £15,000 and also set up a regular monthly payment of £40, you’d be eligible to receive vouchers to the value of £355. Please note we will send a £55 voucher 28 days after your first eligible monthly payment is received in your account and a £300 voucher 6 months after the anniversary of your lump sum investment provided the initial lump sum value remains invested for that time.

The tables below show the gift voucher value you would get back based on your chosen investment amount and payment type.

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Regular monthly premium gift voucher value

The table below shows the gift voucher value you would get back based on your chosen regular premium amount when you apply.

We’ll send your My Rewards voucher within 28 days of receiving your regular monthly qualifying payment. Please note the gift code will expire after 12 months from date of issue.

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Regular Premium Payment ValueMy Rewards Voucher Value
£40+£55 voucher
£35 - £39.99£50 voucher
£30 - £34.99£45 voucher
£25 - £29.99£40 voucher
£20 - £24.99£35 voucher

Lump sum premium payment gift voucher value

The table below shows the gift voucher value you would get back based on your chosen lump sum premium amount when you apply.

We’ll send your My Rewards voucher within 28 days of your 6 month investment anniversary assuming your initial lump sum payment is still invested after that time. Please note the gift code will expire after 12 months from date of issue.

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Lump Sum Premium Payment ValueMy Rewards Voucher Value
£15,000 - £20,000£300
£10,000 - £14,999£200
£4,000 - £9,999£100

Eligibility criteria

  • You must be a UK resident aged 18 or over.

  • Offers applicable to new and existing customers where new policies are opened directly with Scottish Friendly between 1 and 25 March 2025 and does not include payments into an existing policy.

  • Only one limited offer will be applied per customer per payment type. For example, one monthly payment reward and one lump sum reward.

  • Offer applicable to investments made into new policies in the following products only My Choice (ISA), My Easy Choice (ISA) and My Ethical Choice (ISA).

  • We reserve the right to refuse the issue of gifts where multiple ISA applications have been made and where we consider that the terms of this reward offer have been abused.

  • Scottish Friendly reserves the right to alter, cancel or withdraw the offer at any time without prior notice. Not applicable in conjunction with any other ISA offer.

  • Your instruction to invest into a new policy must be received and processed between 00:00 on 1 March 2025 and 23:59 on 25 March 2025.

  • Scottish Friendly accepts no liability or responsibility for claims under this promotion which are lost, delayed or undelivered, nor any liability for technical errors or communication failures in networks and/or internet access.

  • Gift codes valid for 12 months from date of issue.

  • Lump sum payments must remain invested in your account for a minimum of 6 months or;

  • Monthly payments must be set up and first payment received into your account.