Add a My Choice policy to your ISA

Adding another policy to your Scottish Friendly ISA could help you invest for another savings goal. Invest again from £20 a month, a £100 lump sum - or both.

 Capital at risk.

20 pounds monthly

Start another policy from just £20 a month.

low medium high

A choice of 10 funds from low to high risk - so you can invest your money based on your needs.

add policy

Add as many policies as you like as long as you stay within your annual ISA allowance.

Please note that Scottish Friendly doesn’t offer a Cash ISA. Keep in mind stock market investments can go down as well as up, so you could get back less than you’ve paid in. Tax treatment depends on individual circumstances and tax rules could change in the future.

Your 10 fund investment choices

Get yourself a My Choice policy, and:

  • Your money will be invested in a My Choice investment policy within your Scottish Friendly ISA.

  • Take your pick from 10 funds with different levels of risk and reward to create your very own investment strategy.

  • The policy then invests in the fund(s) that you choose.

This information together with the Key Information Documents (KIDs) gives you an overview of each fund including any charges and should be read alongside the Product Guide.

isa guide

Discover what you might get back

See how your money could grow with a My Choice policy using our handy tool to provide examples.

Please select a fund

Our charges

Find out more about our friendly approach to charges and try our handy tool where you can input your current or projected investment amount to see what your annual charge might be.

sf tree

More Scottish Friendly benefits

Scottish Friendly offers a range of benefits designed to offer you potential value. Explore the perks and our prize draw below.

355 gift voucher

ISA end of tax year offer

After you start investing in a new ISA policy, we'll send you a welcome gift.

You'll get a My Rewards gift voucher worth up to £355 to spend at a wide range of your favourite places.

The table below shows the gift voucher value you will get back, based on your chosen payment type and value. Offer valid between 1-25 March 2025. Gift terms apply.

my benefits

My Benefits Card

As a customer of Scottish Friendly when you register for My Plans and choose to go paperless, we’ll reward you with the My Benefits card which gives you access to fantastic savings and offers from thousands of leading retailers.

prize draw

My Prize Draw

When you open a new ISA or add a new policy to an existing ISA with us, you’ll automatically be entered into our prize draw for a chance to be one of three lucky winners to win back the total amount you’ve invested this tax year, up to £20,000. Exclusions, terms and conditions apply.

ISA end of tax year offer

The more you choose to invest, the greater the value of your welcome gift. You can combine a monthly and lump sum payment to unlock a My Rewards gift voucher worth up to £355.

Only one limited offer will be applied per payment type. Regular monthly payment vouchers will be sent 28 days after receiving your first payment. Lump sum payment vouchers will be sent within 28 days of your 6 month lump sum investment anniversary.

You can redeem your voucher at numerous retailers throughout the UK including Argos, John Lewis & Partners, and Marks & Spencer.

Click here for full offer details.

scroll to view
Payment typePayment valueLimited offer
Lump sum£15,000 - £20,000£300 voucher
Lump sum£10,000 - £14,999£200 voucher
Lump sum£4,000 - £9,999£100 voucher
Monthly£40+£55 voucher
Monthly£35 - £39.99£50 voucher
Monthly£30 - £34.99£45 voucher
Monthly£25 - £29.99£40 voucher
Monthly£20 - £24.99 £35 voucher

Important info before you get started

It takes around ten minutes to apply. You’ll need your bank details and your National Insurance number to hand.

Please make sure you’ve read the Product Guide and Key Information Documents for the fund(s) you wish to select.

New customers

Apply Now

Scottish Friendly doesn’t provide advice. The information provided should help you decide if the plan is suitable for you. If you’re not sure whether this plan is suitable, you should contact a financial adviser. Advisers may charge for providing such advice and should confirm any cost beforehand.

To apply to add this policy to your ISA you need to be 18 or over and a UK resident. For the current tax year the overall maximum you can save across all your ISA types is £20,000. Please remember that this is a medium to long term investment (of at least 5 years, preferably 10). Your investment will grow free from tax, except for any tax we pay on your behalf (such as on dividends from UK shares). Tax treatment will depend on your own circumstances and may be subject to change in the future. Investments can go down as well as up and you may get back less than you’ve paid in.

My Plans app

Take control of your Scottish Friendly ISA and Junior ISA investments wherever you are with the My Plans App. It offers a secure and easy way to manage your accounts, check your investments, and make changes on the go.

On your mobile or tablet, open the camera and point your device at the QR code. A link will pop up, tap this, and you’ll be taken straight to download the app.